Announcing the first Ranges Imaging Mini-Awards
Ranges is pleased to announce the first call for the Ranges Imaging Mini-Awards.
If you are faculty, staff, postdoc, student or researcher affiliated with an U.S. institution and need support to produce images via µCT scanning, diceCT, laser scanning or photogrammetry for your mammal trait-focussed research, then this award may be for you.
Applications are now being accepted. Learn more.
Ranges Imaging Mini-Awards will enable researchers to extend their current research by collecting internal and potentially complex trait data at the intraspecific level that can be integrated with other specimen-level data digitized by Ranges, such as reproduction, habitat, geographic origins, or time. Projects focused on any aspect of morphological variation are welcome.
Ranges, funded by NSF (DBI-2228385), seeks to digitize traits from over one million mammal specimens from 19 natural history museums, with a focus on western North America. The project will allow researchers to build better baselines for biodiversity and improve predictions of how mammals respond to changing environments to address major digitization challenges, expand the utility of specimens and use them to create new scientific knowledge.
DEADLINE: Applications must be submitted by January 10, 2024, 11:59pm Pacific Time.